Exclusive interview with Jane Burgess

June 15, 2009, by Petra

Jane BurgessJane Burgess gives an exclusive interview to Freeones where she answers some very interesting questions about what it’s like for her working in the adult industry…

What led you into the porn business?
I actually started modeling while I was working at Hooters. I met a photographer named Bill Waggoner and I did a non nude shoot with him. I did non nude for about a year and then I started to do topless and full nudity. My first full nude shoot was for privateglamour.com.

What did you do before this?
I worked at Hooters which was fun. I was the bartendar and I also did promotions for them. I still have the outfits.

Do you only do work for your own site, or do you do shoots for other companies? 
I mainly shoot for my own websites. I will occasionslly shoot for other sites if I like their photography and idea’s.

Are you open about your profession, or are there people you would rather not know?
I am open with it. When you try and hide things it onlys makes it worse.

What’s the best part of your job? The worst?
I love to get all made up to shoot. I am into the hair and make-up and I love lingerie. The worst is the people that judge you on what you do for a job, not who you are.

Are there any funny moments you’d like to share with our readers?
I was at an outdoor shoot and the photographer fell off of a giant rock and into a thorn bush. When he climbed out we both laughed about it after I made sure he was ok.

Do you have plans for doing anything else in the adult industry? Such as hardcore work?
The only place to see me in hardcore is at my webiste janeburgess.com.

Has anything embarrassing happened to you while you’re working?
The only thing that comes to mind was on a bondage shoot, they had me all tied up and I felt really sick. So they had to untie me so I could go throw up.

How does it make you feel knowing that there are guys out there who get pleasure looking at your work?
I love it. There is nothing wrong with enjoying pictures or video’s while enjoying yourself.

Did you ever watch porn before you decided to start working in the industry?
Oh yes i did. LOL

Where was your first kiss?
The real first kiss was in high school.

What scares you?
I have a fear of dying. I would feel better if I knew what happened to us after we die.

What is the last movie you watched?
I watch a lot of movies. I just watched Superbad again. I love that movie.

Do you have any pets?
Yes. I have Husker who is a black lab and Lola who is a german shepherd.

What kind of hobbies do you have?
I love to garden, hike, swim, read, etc.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
Lay in bed and talk myself into getting up.

If you could have any magical power, what would it be? Why?
To read minds. It would be nice to hear what people really think of you.

What annoys you the most?
Two faced people, animal abusers, and all around assholes.

If you could do only one more thing before you die, what would it be?

Is there anything else you would like the FreeOnes visitors to know about you?
That I am a normal person with a unique job. I love what I do, but I do not think I am sexy, special, or any of that stuff. I just photograph well.

Click here to visit the official Jane Burgess website!

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